Working together for a green future.

Learn more about our sustainability projects.

Green Story

We love green

We have a green guide – as we work to achieve more for a sustainable future.

Every day we let it guide us and follow its example.

 In many different ways and in many areas, we have found ways to ensure more sustainability in our corporate structures. To inspire other people, companies or business partners and to share information, we tell our Green Story.

Everyone can do something to make the world a better place. No matter how small.

We are climate protectors. 
This is what is important for us. We are supporting different projects to protect our climate and to reduce our C02 emission. 
We decided to support, among other things, a project called CliMates. It combines the protection and rebuilding of the Brazil Nut Rainforest REDD+ as well as a project in the Westerwald Germany through reforestation and promotion of natural regeneration in combination with sustaibable forestry and harvesting methods. 
CO2 Emissions are a global issue, which is why everybody should do something to reduce their output as far as possible. 


More trees in the world means fresh air for all of us.

That is why we have decided to support the ReviewForest project. With the help of our contribution and the official partner Plant-for-the-Planet, many new trees are planted and cared for in Mexico. Thanks to ReviewForest, we can also involve our customers, because for every review on Google, a new tree is planted.

This creates a huge review forest that everyone can see growing every day.

The global children’s and youth initiative Plant-for-the-Planet was founded in 2007 and is an official ReviewForest partner. By planting the trees, they effectively and cheaply ensure that more CO2 is captured. This is a sensible way to mitigate the climate crisis. But that was not all.

In addition, for every customer Google rating, a donation is made to the children’s academies of Plant-for-the-Planet.

As a company, we want to set a good example.

In order to integrate climate protection into our corporate structures in the long term, we turned to a trusting partner for an internal analyse. Through this we could integrate measurements to build climate friendly processes in our daily business.  Clearly defined climate protection targets ensure consistent implementation of the measures. Investments in climate protection projects to offset leftover emissions are also part of the climate protection strategy.


Ganzheitlicher Klimaschutz folgt dem Grundsatz: Unnötige Emissionen vermeiden, bestehende Emissionen reduzieren und unvermeidbare Emissionen ausgleichen.
Um unvermeidbare Emissionen auszugleichen, investieren wir in das Klimaschutzprojekt Meeresschutzprogramm Plastic Bank Weltweit. Da unsere Meere mit Unmengen an Plastik Abfall belastet werden, unterstützen wir das Projekt um dem Müllproblem entgegenzuwirken. Die Investition ermöglicht außerdem eine nachhaltige Entwicklung vor Ort. Durch die Sammlung des Plastikmülls der Plastic Bank entstehen verbesserte Lebensbedingungen. Der gesammelte Müll kann an Sammelstellen gegen Geld, Lebensmittel, Trinkwasser und weitere lebensnotwendige Dinge eingetauscht werden. Der gesammelte Plastikabfall wird dann recycelt und zu Social Plastic verarbeitet, um für neue Produkte verwendet werden zu können.
Durch dieses Projekt fördern wir die Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen in Haiti, Indonesien, Brasilien und auf den Philippinen. Aber auch unsere eigenen, denn der Klimawandel betrifft uns alle.


We use digitalisation and avoid waste and consumables.

Emails, phone, videoconferencing & Co have of course long been a good alternative to avoid paper waste and travel by car. We also want to bring our customers further along the digital path:

– We only send invoices digitally

– Product information can all be accessed online

– We offer consultations by telephone or video call.

For business trips or official journeys, we are travelling green as well.

Of course, there are also appointments or errands that require travel by car. For these we use our Resorti Mobil. The vehicle is an electric car and can be used perfectly for shorter distances, for several people or for small transports. Here, too, we can save emissions and take a step towards climate protection.

We also use electricity for small errands or a walk in the fresh air. With our e-bike, we are fast, efficient and it’s fun too. Our Resorti e-bike is at our free disposal and is used almost daily. It also does a good job in the city, no searching for a parking space and no emissions.

The e-bike ideally supports the cycling process, keeping you from running out of breath quickly, but is still good for your fitness. Another bonus of the Resorti e-bike.


Our workplace model also brings further relief. We have home office workplaces for employees. This saves us a few trips to the office. We also support a healthy work-life balance, because less travel means more free time and less stress for us.

Everyday things

Everyday things also play an important role in the fight against climate change. Here are a few little things that we have built into our normal everyday operations to take many small steps:

  • Waste separation is our top priority

  • We only serve drinks in glass bottles

  • Coffee ́s directly available as a bean, not as a capsule

  • We have a fully equipped kitchen to avoid buying fast food

  • We use rechargeable batteries

  • Our merchandise bags are made of recycled material

  • When buying, we look for seals such as FSC certified, Fairtrade etc.

  • For a good climate we use plants in every office

  • We gave wild bees and butterflies a meadow as a Christmas present to our business partners



Many small things, but all together they have a big effect. We would like to find more ways to become greener in order to enable our earth and ourselves to lead a greener life.
